We stand on the shoulders of giants.

” And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

My hill to die on is our Constitution and the Republic that was handed down to me by my parents. My father fought in the Pacific during WW 2 and my mom worked to support the War effort. They were fierce defenders of America and instilled in me the patriotic and moral values that had been handed down to them by their parents. I carry those values and their memory with me in everything I do.

No one really wants to die in battle. Not on a hill or a green or anywhere else. We want to live long, happy, productive lives and pass away quietly surrounded by family and friends. History, however, teaches us that is mostly not of our choosing.

Each generation has its moment when fight or flight seem to be the only alternatives.  How we fight, however, is a choice each of us must make. Our forefathers suffered greatly under the British for years before there was open rebellion. More recently we learned during the Civil rights movement that non violent actions by a determined population can ultimately win the day.  But we must never forget that people did die during that struggle so we must be prepared for that outcome should we choose that direction.

Two challenged elections in a row have left our nation divided in a way no one thought possible a few years ago. A two-tiered Justice system that punishes members of one party and rewards those of another. Lawfare being used in an attempt to prevent a former President of the United States from running again. Recession and inflation gutting the middle class and to make matters worse our country is now without borders and being overrun by millions of illegal asylum seekers. These illegals will take the jobs from Americans who desperately need them, and our cities will buckle under their weight.

While that is happening more and more people are realizing that it is not incompetence that is causing our problems but rather it is being done by design.


The battle we are in has been brewing for a long time. Ronald Reagan gave us a preview of what we had to fight against in his Farewell Address to the Nation speech to the Nation speech in 1989. He spoke of an informed patriotism that was being eroded, about the need to teach our children what America is and what she represents in the long history of the world.  However his first warning came to us back in 1961 in a speech given to the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce entitled Encroaching Control. In that speech he recalled how a socialist clergyman, writing in 1927, in The New Leader, the socialist magazine of that day, called for a new strategy of the American socialist party. The clergyman said” they must infiltrate government and put men in government jobs and then he said we must work for government ownership of power, government control of railroads and banking and key industries. And he said we’ll call our program, Encroaching Control.” Reagan spoke of the government trying to take control over education, farming, health care and much more. He put it this way, All of this has led to the creation of a collection of internal powers and bureaucratic institutions against which we the citizens are virtually helpless. And this power, under whatever name, whatever ideology, is the very essence of totalitarianism. It’s led to a permanent structure of government so complex and so big that Congress can no longer police its activities. Indeed, it actually does a great deal to determine the policy of our government, this permanent structure.  

He finished his speech by stating that “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Back then in 1961 the threat was the Soviet Union and the beginning of the Administrative State we are suffering from today. Read or listen to the speech and substitute China for Russia and tell me your blood doesn’t begin to boil.

Patriots that is where we are today. We can either fight to protect freedom and pass it on to our children as our parents did with us or get ready to tell them stories about when men were free. Each of us must chose for ourselves. I have made my choice, what say you? 

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